
Prepared by: Marija Zelenkovska, Ivana Ivanova, Frosina Gjurevska

Within the WECAN project for education of trainers for women entrepreneurs, Center for knowledge management as one of the partners of the project, held an outdoors event on 10.06.2021 (Thursday) at the picturesque Popova Kula in Demir Kapija. At the event, not only did the women had the opportunity to attend and actively participate in the workshop, learn the activities and tools the WECAN project provides, but they also had the chance to experience it within a special atmosphere that the particular location provided. 

The High School Team from North Macedonia Is A Recipient of The Special Award at The First POPRI International Competition

We are proud to present the recipients of the special award at the first POPRI international competition!

On April 29th, 2021, the Cneter for Knoaledge management participated at the Kick Off Meeting of our new Erasmus+ project Yes C+C, under the laedership of the Mediterranean Foundation.

We are not stopping!  Today we had the third session of the WECAN Training Program.

We are continuing with the second session of the WECAN Training Program.

The second WECoach session was held April 13th.


We started! The first session of the WECAN training program began on 7 April and it included various activities such as workshops, presentations, group discussions, creative thinking etc.

The time is ticking! We are almost near the day of the competition.

POPRI international is a competition for the best entrepreneurial idea among young people from 9 countries in the Adriatic-Ionian macro region. Until now, 3 494 participants have taken part in it. It is a great chance for young people to develop and grow their creativity and entrepreneurship, but also grow their network.

“Clarify Everything” is a campaign which is implemented within the project “Connect the dots: better policies through civic participation” („Поврзи ги точките: подобрени политики преку граѓанско учество“), financed by the British embassy in Skopje. The campaign will focus on 2 specific problems: water resource management and inspections against overexploitation of natural resources (minerals, forests, soil and water). The aim of the campaign is to raise public awareness about these problems, and to increase the impact or to change the public policies.

The Center for Knowledge Management is one of the 9 technology parks, accelerators and incubators that would take part in the upcoming EUSAIR POPRI youth event.

The Center for Knowlege Management (CKM) received funding under the Erasmus + programme KA104 (2020) for the project "Capacity Development for Horizon Europe" - HorizonReady project this fall. HorizonReady aims at increasing CKM iternal capacities for capitalizing on the opportunities of the new Horizon Europe programme

The project Circular HRM aims to support the transition of European SMEs from a traditional linear HRM model to a circular HRM model that enhances the regeneration of skills and competences at the work place and encourages circular business and organizational models. It is a project that it being implemented by 8 project partners, all being experienced European organizations.

Prepared by: Ivana Ivanova

The development of the HR according to circular economy principles is an important precondition for a sustainable and competitive economy. A circular human resources management (HRM) can plan a durable and sustainable design and maintenance of skills in the firm, in contrast with the current linear model of hiring, maintaining, overloading and dismissing. It aims at supporting the transition of European SMEs from a traditional, linear HRM model, to a circular HRM model.

The second Balkan Forum was held on September 25th and 26th, 2020 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

On 14th of July 2020, a meeting was held between the executive director of the Center for Knowledge Management – Andrijana Bogdanovska Gj., and Miss Valentina Disoska, president of Association of Business Women.

From the 17th to 19th of March 2019, 60 stakeholders from 5 countries gathered in Cyprus to advance their knowledge regarding the latest innovations in the energy sector. The theme included reducing energy consumption to lessen pollutant emissions, energy management in buildings, renewable energy, as well as waste-management, in order to reach the most viable opportunities to create innovative energy startups.