Informing the current public policy debate and topics on the public agenda

CKM is committed to supporting issues of public relevance in the areas of economic development, science and technology, business enabling environment, and entrepreneurship.

At our Center, you can browse, download, and read our work aggregated from research and activities on more than ten projects.

Economic development

CKM’s research on economic development is focused on competitiveness and innovations of SMEs, recognized as the main driver of economic growth of nations. Within the area, CKM also covers research on policies on employment and self-employment, along with solutions for poverty reduction.

Science and Technology

CKM experts are among the pioneers of key scientific research and technology development in the region. CKM focus in the area is on research in scientific purposes, technology transfer and applicative technology projects. CKM works on creating an enabling environment for increasing the generation of new technology and knowledge in the scientific institutions, and transferring the technology and knowledge to the business entities.

Business enabling environment

CKM’s work in the area of law, regulation and business entities is focused on supporting the creation of enabling business environment for SMEs. Within this area, CKM also works on research focused on existing policies and solutions along with developing recommendations for creation of favourable and effective business environment for the Foreign Direct Investors, and increasing the opportunities for spillover effects on the national and regional economy.


CKM research in the area of entrepreneurship is focused on supporting entrepreneurship among the youth and the women, as a viable option for increasing self-employment and improving market dynamics at national and regional level. The focus is placed on entrepreneurship and new technologies.