Friday 22 February 2019, was the end of the third successful workshop for CKM's Interreg: i3 project “i3 – Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship”.
The third of a total of five trainings, that took place in Patras, Greece, organised by our Project Partner, the Technological Educational Institution of Western Greece. 10 trainees from each of the project partner’s countries joined specialised entrepreneurial training, geared towards a different theme in each country. The project aims to promote territorial development and cooperation by the establishment of a model for entrepreneurial training and transfer of knowledge for young entrepreneurs.
The workshop opened with speeches by Prof. Spiros Sirmakessis, the Deputy Dean for Research and Development, Technological Educational Institution of Western Greece, followed by Ms. Elpida Kokkota, Founder & CEO at MeXOXO. They outlined the state of the “High Technologies” sector in Greece, and emphasized the need for sustainable innovations in this theme, within Greece, and the whole Balkan-Mediterranean region.
For the next three days, the trainees underwent specific training including; Business-model-creation, value proposition, budgeting and planning, state of the “High Technologies” sector. The 50 trainees from the partner countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYROM, & Greece) were divided into five teams that represent all of the countries in each. Sector professionals then mentored the teams in applying innovative approaches and tools to “High Technologies” themed business ideas, that were created by the teams. The workshop ended with awards for “Most Innovative Idea”, “Best Business Model”, “Best Value Proposition”, and “Best Presentation”. After which, all of the teams were treated to a night of traditional cuisine and music by our Greek partner, the Technological Educational Institution of Western Greece team, where all the participants celebrated the completion of a successful workshop. CKM participants was led by CKM's i3 Project coordinator Ms. Bisera Smilevska.