Center for Knowledge Management has announced a tender for the procurement of External expertise for implementation of the pilot (Hydrology, flood modelling, mapping) and for development of flood management strategy and action plans for the URABANFLOODS project.
To download the tender documentation, you need to register in the system below.
Bids from interested bidders should arrive before the deadline specified in the tender documentation.

Procurement details:



External expertise for implementation of the pilot (Hydrology, flood modelling, mapping) and for development of flood management strategy and action plans

Реф. Број:   IPA-ADRION00374-T1/2025
Датум на објава:   21-02-2025
Буџет:   13,000 EUR
Краен рок за поднесување:   07-03-2025 at 12:00:00 (CET)
Статус:   Open

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